CodeSnip v4.16.0 Due Soon!

Just a quick update to say that CodeSnip v4.16.0 is nearing completion.

I'm aiming to release it on 2nd June, barring last minute gotchas. Downloads will be available from both GitHub and SourceForge.

The new release will be announced here first, so please check back often. Also keep an eye on one of the above download sites as the code will be available there first.

There's a degree of urgency about getting v4.16 released. As I've mentioned in other posts, my current web server is due to close on 15 June and current versions of CodeSnip use that server to get database updates, to import from SWAG and to get news and update notifications.

I've found alternative ways for the Code Snippets Database and SWAG† to be delivered but they are incompatible with current CodeSnip versions: v4.16 and later will be required to handle them.

† You can get more information about these revised arrangements by reading these blog posts:
  1. New Release of the DelphiDabbler Code Snippets Database
  2. New Release of the SWAG Snippet Collection


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