Released CodeSnip 4.19.0

Just in time for the new year, CodeSnip v4.19.0 has been released.

This contains the promised re-organisation of the Preferences dialogue box to get rid of the confusing multi-line tabs. The dialogue box now has a list of pages in a pane on the left, with the relevant options appearing on the right.

I've finally worked out how to make the size of the font in the overview pane's tree view customisable - it's only taken me a year to respond to this request.

Finally, there's a fix to an obscure bug in the legacy Code Snippets Database loader code that I doubt has ever bothered anyone - but probably would if it wasn't fixed!

As usual you can download the program from the delphidabbler/codesnip GitHub repo's Releases page or from SourceForge:

Source is available to download from both the above repos or you can fork away in the GitHub repo.

For a complete list of changes see the change log.


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